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Push Pull Legs

Maximise your strength and size gains using a proven training split that groups similar movements together.

Training your back involves your biceps, so biceps are trained on the same day.

This makes training more efficient, and helps you recover better.

Complete the program over 12 weeks, training 5 or 6 days each week.

Weeks 1 to 5:
Focus on volume with the weight increasing gradually. Make sure your keep good form and a full range of motion.

Week 6:
Week 6 is a de-load week, reduce the reps and weights from last week to give your body a week to recover while staying active.
You will feel stronger and more energetic at the start of week 7.


Weeks 7 to 12:
The final stretch, increasing the weight and reducing the reps to build strength in compound exercises. High reps on some accessory exercises for hypertrophy.

Take a few days to a week off to maximise recovery, then start your second training block.

Upper / Lower Body

If you’re looking for a 4 day per week training program, this is for you. The best way to hit each muscle group the recommended twice per week is an upper/lower training split.

Designed to give you a balance of strength and size, each week includes Upper and Lower Strength and Hypertrophy sessions.

At the end of the program you will feel stronger, and see more muscle definition.

Complete the program over 12 weeks, training 4 days each week.

Weeks 1 to 5:
Starting with moderate weight and reps, both will increase gradually during the first 5 weeks of the program. Make sure your keep good form and a full range of motion.

Week 6:
Week 6 is a de-load week, reduce the reps and weights from last week to give your body a week to recover while staying active.

You will feel stronger and more energetic at the start of week 7.

Weeks 7 to 12:

The final stretch, increasing the weight and reducing the reps to build strength in compound exercises. High reps on some accessory exercises for hypertrophy.

Take a few days to a week off to maximise recovery, then start your second training block.

Full Body

If you’re new to the gym, or can only commit to 2 or 3 days per week, a full body split is the best way to organise your workouts and still hitting each muscle group twice per week.

This program is great for building muscle and toning up.

Set some goals and follow the program, while sticking to your daily calorie target, you will see results.

Weeks 1 to 5:
Starting with moderate weight and reps, both will increase gradually during the first 5 weeks of the program. Make sure your keep good form and a full range of motion.

Week 6:

Week 6 is a de-load week, reduce the reps and weights from last week to give your body a week to recover while staying active.

You will feel stronger and more energetic at the start of week 7.

Weeks 7 to 12:

The final stretch, increasing the weight and reducing the reps to build strength in compound exercises. High reps on some accessory exercises for hypertrophy.

Take a few days to a week off to maximise recovery, then start your second training block.

PR Test Week

The hard work and strength building is done in the weeks leading up to your PR Test Week.


Take some time off to give your body time to recover before the test. We recommend 3-5 days.


Remember, these aren’t free days for cheat meals and drinking. Give your body it’s best chance to perform when your test.

The Aspire PR Test Week tests your squat, bench, deadlift and overhead press. You can switch these for any specific lifts you're training for.

The plan includes which days to test and which days to rest, as well as the sets and reps to do based on your % 1RM.

Once warmed up you can got for a new PR, if you get a new PR, take a rest and try increasing the weight even more. If you didn't make it, take a rest and try again.

After a couple of days rest you're ready to start your next training block, working off your new PRs.

Coming Soon...

Beginners Powerlifting
Female Fitness
Squat PR Program
Deadlift PR Program
Bench PR Program
Golf S&C
Running S&C

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